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Mission, Vision, and Values

Our Mission

As a witness to the love of God through Jesus Christ, Baptist Health exists as a voluntary, not-for-profit organization to promote and improve the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of the people and communities it serves through the delivery of quality health care services provided within a framework of fiscal responsibility.

Our Values

  • Stewardship - We are responsible stewards of the time, talents, and resources entrusted to us to care for people we serve.
  • Honesty - We conduct our relationship with the people we serve, physicians, healthcare providers, and ourselves honestly, fairly, and consistently.
  • Attitude - We believe attitude is a choice and choosing a positive attitude is essential to achieve our mission.
  • Respect - We treat those we serve and those with whom we work with respect, compassion, and courtesy.
  • Excellence - We are committed to excellence and quality in caring for those we serve.

Our AIM Statement

Patients first. Compassionate care. Pursuing perfection.